TLZ - Leuzea, Tribulus and Zinc


  • Increases testosterone levels

  • Improves prostate function

  • Proven to lower bad cholesterol levels

  • Helps build muscle mass and strength


Leads to the recovery and development of muscle mass.

Leuzea is a plant with many phytotherapeutic properties. One of its main properties is the better absorption of proteins, and better absorbed proteins and essential amino acids enter the bloodstream more easily, thereby improving recovery and building muscle mass.

It increases the production of (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

Tribulus, for its part, acts on the endocrine glands and stimulates the production of two hormones, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

It works in synergy

Thus Tribulus sends the signal to the glands to produce more hormones, as a result of the improved absorption of proteins and amino acids after taking Leuzea.

Increases T levels

Several studies have shown that the combination of Leuzea, Tribulus and zinc promotes the production of testosterone, which is of fundamental importance for the increase of muscle mass and for the correct functioning of male hormones.


Liquid TLZ!.

  • Easily digestible

  • Highly concentrated

  • Quick action.

  • Daily dose of 800 mg of Leuzea and 400 mg of Tribulus

Even doctors are convinced of TLZ.

' This summer season I worked in different places, with a high workload and intensity: a lot of travel, traffic, heat. At the end of the season I was exhausted, weak, had difficulty concentrating and could not sleep. I was very irritable and stressed.

As a specialist, I knew about the herbs Leuzea and Tribulus and knew they could help me, so I started TLZ and took it for a total of 2 months. At the beginning I did a complete blood count to make sure it was really working.

After the first week I felt more energetic and stronger. I was able to concentrate better and my attention became sharper. But what struck me the most was that my cholesterol level was 8.6 a week before taking TLZ and now it is 6.3! And all without changing my diet! At the end of the second month I had another thorough check-up and found that my testosterone level had increased from 15 to 25 units, with a maximum limit of 30.

I am happy to recommend this product to my patients and friends because I have personally experienced its quality! "

-Dr. Ennio Marino: ENT doctor, homeopath, Schuessler salt therapist, phytotherapist

"The product has not only improved my workouts, but has also helped improve my concentration and mental clarity. I can confidently say that it has become a part of my daily regimen."

This product has simply transformed my. athletic performance! The results are visible quickly and I am very pleased with the improvement in my physical shape. An essential supplement for anyone who wants. to reach new heights in sports!.

"Just 20 days after starting to take the product, I tested my testosterone levels and they were already up 2 units. I can't wait to finish a full cycle to see the result! I recommend it!"

Just try it to immediately feel the effect of this formula obtained with purely natural products. The efficiency is proven!

Lab tested

Doses of proven effectiveness

Natural products

100,000+ satisfied customers

Assimilation of more than 97%

100% quality guaranteed

Do you know these drawbacks?

  • Do you always feel tired and exhausted, regardless of how many hours of sleep you get?

  • Are you feeling depressed, irritable and unmotivated?

  • Are you having increasing difficulty gaining and maintaining muscle mass and training is no longer giving you the results you hoped for?

  • Do you feel out of shape and unmotivated in your daily life?

  • Does keeping up with work, family, and daily life seem like an uphill battle?

The Solution to Getting Back in Shape and TLZ

How our clients feel, after 1 week of taking it:

How our clients feel, after 1 month of taking it:

How do our clients feel after 2 months of taking it:

  • A wave of energy

  • An improvement in recovery of strength and sleep

  • Better protein absorption

  • More desire for sport and something else

  • Increased strength and endurance

  • Improved sports performance

  • Accelerated metabolism

  • Greater self-confidence in everyday life

  • Extreme increase in strength and endurance

  • Tangible increase in self-confidence and productivity

  • Easier Muscle Mass Building

  • A wave of energy and motivation

Certified quality

Our products are rigorously tested and certified and are considered the benchmark for excellence in health and wellness. Choose with confidence because your wellness is our top priority.

Natural, safe and clinically tested ingredients you can trust!

Tribulus extract.

Tribulus terrestris (or tribulus, or pizzaculo) is a medicinal plant used for centuries as a natural aphrodisiac, which has been shown to have a beneficial effect on male hormones. In a natural way, it contributes to increasing the strength and resistance of men. The plant also has a beneficial effect in case of high cholesterol problems.

Leuzea Extract

Leuzea is a plant with medicinal properties of various kinds, which grows in Siberia and Northeast Asia. The root of Leuzea is a powerful adaptogen that can promote increased energy levels and increase lean muscle mass and normalization of male hormones.

Zinc citrate.

Zinc is an important mineral that plays a key role in male health. It is important for the development of healthy sperm and promotes the production of testosterone. Zinc can help improve the health of the prostate and reduce the risk of various prostate problems.

TLZ - Leuzea, Tribulus and Zinc


Why is Testosterone so Important for Men's Health?

Testosterone is a crucial hormone in the male body, influencing many aspects of health and well-being. When discussing free testosterone and total testosterone, it is essential to understand their roles and normal testosterone levels, as measured by blood testosterone tests.

Testosterone deficiency can manifest itself with more than one symptom, including reduced energy, decreased libido, and difficulty building muscle. In these cases, a doctor may evaluate treatment with a targeted drug, capable of rebalancing testosterone levels in the

Testosterone is produced naturally and plays a vital role in every man's life, helping to maintain proper hormonal balance and optimal health.

The distinction between free testosterone and total testosterone is essential to better understand testosterone production and its impact on men's health. In many cases, a targeted medication can help restore an optimal balance, improving symptoms related to low hormone levels.

Whether it's supporting vitality or improving the quality of life, TLZ will be the ideal solution to address men's hormonal health issues and ensure male well-being.

Why is a healthy prostate so important for men?

A healthy prostate provides men with important protection against various problems, maintaining a healthy urinary system and preventing the development of various diseases. In addition, maintaining a healthy prostate helps improve sexual health and function, promoting the quality of life of men.

Top 5 Causes of Prostate Problems

  • Zinc deficiency in the body

  • Decreased hormone levels

  • Overweight

  • Lack of physical activity

  • Genetically

Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Prostate.

  • Zinc intake, contained in TLZ

  • Take TLZ regularly

  • Healthy eating and physical activity

  • Stress Control

  • Reduce bad cholesterol levels


What professionals say about TLZ (Tribulus, Leuzea and Zinc)

"One of the strongest Tribulus extracts I have ever taken. Gained 8kg of muscle mass in two months."

Lee Priest

Mr. Universe 2013

Prodotti basati sulla scienza

Ogni ingrediente e appositamente selezionato per un'efficacia ottimale. Seguire il dosaggio raccomandato per ottenere i massimi risultati.
I nostri prodotti sono fabbricati in strutture certificate GMP che garantiscono qualita e sicurezza.
Tutti gli ingredienti sono naturali e adatti ai vegani, senza conservanti e. coloranti artificiali. Il nostro team e sempre disponibile per ulteriori domande!

Cosa dicono i nostri clienti

"I recommend them to anyone who wants to improve their sports performance. You will be surprised by the results"

Ewan Kent

"Awesome products! My boyfriend takes the products included in this package and he definitely feels stronger and more energetic! Congratulations!"

Scott White

4.7 of 5 (856 reviews)

"These are definitely some of the best herbal extracts I have used! They give strength, energy and endurance"

Billy Read

"The only company that uses Bulgarian Tribulus to make its product! In combination with Leuzea and Magnesium, the results are not long in coming!"

Harley Nicholls